ASI Model 1950

This product is no longer supported!

The Alpha Sciences (ASI) Model 1950 is an alpha counting system. The system is made up of a 1000 square centimeter proportional counter, associated electronics, a Host PC based data acquisition software package, and a P-10 gas delivery set-up.

SKU: ASI-MODEL-1950 Categories: , Tag:
User's ManualManualDownload
ProXL User's ManualManualDownload
Sample Tray ResurfacingTechnical NoteDownload
ProXLGUIWindows Download


My instrument is broken, can XIA fix it?

Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond our control, XIA can no longer repair the Model 1950, nor provide replacement instruments. We encourage all users of the 1950 to see if the next-generation UltraLo-1800 alpha particle counter fits their needs.

What can I do if the system doesn't detect any counts?

First, make sure that the HV is toggled to on via the switch on the back, and that the P10 gas is flowing into the chamber. Without those two things no counts will be detected.

If those are both in a satisfactory state, then there is likely a problem with either the HV circuitry or the internal structure of the counter itself. Unfortunately, XIA is no longer able to manufacture new circuitry or repair existing instruments. We encourage anyone who needs a new instrument for alpha particle measurements to consider the UltraLo-1800.

How do I calibrate my Model 1950?

In order to calibrate a Model 1950 you simply need access to a alpha source with an activity of about 2 cps (you can use more active sources but risk issues with dead time). You place that source on the tray, adjust the height to be 1-2mm from the Mylar window (being very careful to not touch the window and damage it, as we can no longer repair broken windows), and count it for enough time for an accurate determination of the count rate to be made. (At XIA we do 10 windows of 10 minutes each, but this will vary with count rate.) You want the resulting efficiency to be 80-84%. If your efficiency is outside that range, you’ll need to adjust the Gain potentiometer exposed when you remove the cover on the electronics box (warning: high voltage inside).

For more detail on this procedure, see section 6 of the User’s Manual.

How do I determine the background of my instrument?

Determining the background of a Model 1950 is straightforward. Simply remove the tray and perform a count. The resulting CPH value will be the background rate. For more detail on this procedure see section 5 of the User’s Manual.

How do I clean the sample tray?

If the sample tray has become contaminated or soiled and needs to be cleaned, then please follow the instructions in the Technical Note titled Sample Tray Re-surfacing.