Get early access to next-gen neutron detection modules

XIA & Blueshift offering prototypes to researchers
XIA LLC and Blueshift Optics, Inc., are offering research physicists and engineers at private labs early access to prototype neutron detection modules. These individually customized scintillator/detector systems are easier to assemble at a much lower cost than traditional setups.
Our two companies are collaborating to provide prototype designs to researchers for situations that would benefit from easily customizable, off-the-shelf neutron detection equipment. Initial applications include developing a diagnostic to characterize the yield on a fusion energy source and detecting contraband in shipping containers.
High performance. Low cost. End-to-end.
When you and your colleagues create neutron detection systems, you have to answer annoying instrumentation questions—and stick to a budget—before you can just get on with analyzing the neutron data.
I want the performance of crystalline stilbene, but can I craft it into the shape I need?
- How much more is that going to cost me?
- Honestly, do I really need to assemble the rest of the neutron detection module too?
Blueshift and XIA realized we had the answers to these common questions. Blueshift offers expertise in scintillator materials science in the form of economical organic glass scintillators (OGS). XIA provides data acquisition detectors based on 30+ years of experience and expertise we gained developing them for nuclear physicists.
We approached facilities we knew needed neutron detectors. Working closely with the facilities’ research teams, we constructed “personalized” demonstration prototypes that seamlessly connected the scintillators and detectors.
Each test site ended up with a proof-of-concept system to test drive: a high-performing scintillator both customized to the shape they needed and coupled to the appropriate SiPM or PMT photodetector and XIA’s precise readout electronics. With their systems, they could just get on with the more interesting science they wanted to do.
Prototype opportunities for qualified researchers
XIA and Blueshift can deploy its neutron detection team for you. We’re looking for researchers who want to investigate these low-cost integrated OGS/detectors. We recently delivered jointly developed modules for improving pulse shape discrimination to a customer developing next-generation energy sources. The accompanying photos show similar prototypes that integrate OGS with advanced detector capabilities.
Blueshift’s scintillators incorporate substantive materials innovations, but are easier to work with at a fraction of the usual cost. XIA’s precision digitizers to perform the pulse shape discrimination are the logical fit.
Contact XIA to learn more and apply for our program to provide personalized next-gen neutron detection prototypes to a limited number of researchers.