This product is discontinued!
The xMap is a multi-channel digital pulse processor designed for high-rate x-ray spectroscopy and fast-mapping applications at synchrotron beamlines, and offers the following advantages:
- Compatible with SDD, HPGe and other x-ray detector types
- Output Count Rates approaching 1 Mcps per channel
- Sophisticated pile-up inspection
- 4-channel PXI card easily expandable to 100+ channels
- Auto gain adjust/calibration across all channels
- Onboard dual memory for deadtimeless MCA, SCA and List Mode mapping
- Open source driver libraries for custom DAQ control
The xMap’s trapezoidal digital FIR filters offer significantly enhanced throughputs and achieve energy resolutions comparable to analog systems, but at a lower cost per channel. Energy resolution is nearly independent of count rate up to maximum throughput. The full computer interface allows all data taking and calibration operations to be automated, greatly reducing the possibility of human error. Data can be collected either into a full spectrum of up to 8K channels or into up to 32 regions of interest (ROI’s) and passed to the host without stopping data collection. The full spectrum allows peak fitting and/or deconvolution on a detector by detector basis, leading to more accurate intensity extractions, particularly where scatter peaks are changing rapidly with energy.
The xMap offers several timing modes, including fast scanning with full MCA readout or multiple ROI’s, as well as list mode readout, where time and energy are stored for each event. The onboard memory manager allows full access to the data even during data collection. For deadtimeless operation for fast scanning, the memory is organized into two completely independent banks, allowing readout of one bank while the other is filled. Peak readout speeds across the PCI interface exceed 100 MB/sec permitting sub-millisecond scanning dwell times.
Additional information
- Single PXI/CompactPCI module contains 4 channels of pulse processing electronics with full MCA per channel.
- 4 MB of high-speed memory allows ample storage for timing applications such as mapping with full spectra or multiple ROI’s. Memory can be read at the full PCI speed.
- Peak PCI transfer rates exceed 100 MB/sec.
- Peaking time range: 0.1 to 100 microsec
- Maximum throughput up to 1,000,000 counts/sec/channel.
- Digitization: 14 bits at 50 MHz
- Low noise front end offers excellent resolution, and provides excellent performance in the soft x-ray region (150 – 1500 eV).
- 16 bit gain DAC and input offset are computer controlled.
- Pileup inspection criteria are computer selectable.
- Accurate ICR and livetime for precise deadtime correction and count rate linearity.
- Multi-channel analysis for each channel allows optimal use of data.
- Facilitates automated gain setting and calibration to simplify tuning array detectors.
- External Gate allows data acquisition on all channels to be synchronized.
- All runs can be synchronized between modules using the LBUS signal connecting all the modules together.