While position-sensitive photomultiplier tubes (PSPMTs), coupled to fast scintillators, are widely used as photon detectors in applications such as medical imaging systems (PET, gamma camera, etc.), where it is desirable to combine good time resolution with the...
M. Momayezi
Ultra-low Background Alpha Particle Counter Using Pulse Shape Analysis
The need to measure alpha particle emissivities at levels below 0.005 /spl alpha//cm/sup 2/-hr is becoming increasingly important in fundamental physics experiments (e.g. neutrino and rare decay measurements), environmental monitoring, nuclear activities monitoring...
A fast digital filter algorithm for gamma-ray spectroscopy with double-exponential decaying scintillators
Scintillators like CsI(Na), having double-exponential decay times, typically cannot be used in high-count rate applications due to the complicated pulse shapes created by the convolution of their light output decay curves with the decay constant of charge integrating...
Particle identification in CsI(Tl) using digital pulse shape analysis
We developed particle identification (PID) in a CsI(Tl) crystal using digital pulse shape analysis. We present the details of the experiment, the data analysis, and the results. Four different methods of digital PID were applied to the same data set: (A) the rise-time...
Digital pulse processing: new possibilities in nuclear spectroscopy
Digital pulse processing is a signal processing technique in which detector (preamplifier output) signals are directly digitized and processed to extract quantities of interest. This approach has several significant advantages compared to traditional analog signal...